Tuesday, July 24, 2007
I'm sorriiiieeeeeeeeeeeeee................
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!!!!

I know I know I promised for updates!!! Not because I'm lazy...well part of it wtf...anywayssss...... The reason why I haven't been updating lately is because...

  1. Photobucket is down....and I REFUSED to update without photos!!!!
  2. I'm back in Labuan, new year, new room, new resolutions....but no internet connection yet...!!! And I am currently trying to fix an internet connection in my room....

I'm back in Labuan...Back to UMS for my third and HOPEFULLY my last year... I've moved to a new room and I got the single room a.k.a VIP room... My own space! I have my privacy! No bitchy roomate to disturb me....

My first week back in UMS is really stressfull pula.....Baru one week sudah so stress!!! This is the becausenya, we third year students will have to complete our proposal for our final year project!!!!! Individual project!!!! And finding a topic is not easy!!! Ini baru mau buat proposal belum lagi wanna make the actual project!!! The topic I proporsed have been rejected 3 times by my supervisor!!!!! And finally I made up my mind to design a 2D animation video clip....And I have a confession to make.... I, Lucille Fung, a THIRD year Multimedia student, still don't know how to use Flash....so very the malufying betul.... I've been honeymooning in my 1st year and 2nd years.... I know I know....I deserve a smack on the head....So anyone out there some where is a sifu of Flash?????


posted by MizzLucy at 2:48 PM - 0 glasses of martinis
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
guess what
Guess what I did to my hair today....

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Yes, I straightened it....

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I got bored at my curls.....

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So what do you think??? Do I look better with curls or straight hair???.....

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Yes I'm a camwhore

So learn to deal with it :D

Please ignore the face-volcanoes...I malas wanna photoshop...
posted by MizzLucy at 12:51 AM - 3 glasses of martinis

The Girl
Name: MizzLucy
Home: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
About Me: a skinny midget who loves chocolates.
See my profile...

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