It clearly doesn't work when the phrase should actually read "Study what you love". Too late for that now though, so right now, Principles of Marketing is the sexiest thing on earth.
When Lucy recommends you a song, it means its a heeeelllla of a good one! I'm so in love with this song right now after I saw it on MTV
Rythms del Mundo feat Coldplay -"Clocks"
First of all, I've already liked the song when it first came out; listen closely to the lyrics and if you're (ehem...) creative enough, you're are able to interpret it, and daymmmeeee.....the lyrics is so freaking REAL..!!
And when I saw this version, I fell in love with the song all over again! It's even better than the original!!
And and the video is so cooolll....notice the smokes and fire coming out from the TV...It's not just some effect to make the video look cool. It means even if you're watching the news about tragedies that occurs from the other side of the worlde, it WILL give an impact to the future; the future is potrayed by the little girl by the way...
Hohoho...why am I so smart ar??? Why am I so creative arrr??? And why am I so perasan ah???
3 more days till I go back to Labuan...I am so depressed! huhuhu...
I'm not scared of you judging me. Because I know I'm better than you.
Lately things have been happening. Things I don't support. Things that I'm totally against.
I just found out my "friend" is cheating on my other friend. That's really sick.
The next time you think of two-timing your boyfriend/girlfriend, please think...
What do you gain?
Apa ko untung?
*edited* I just found out that my "other friend" is telling my guy-friend that she is single because she found out that my guy-friend is interested in her but actually she's been with her boyfriend for almost 4 years!!!
There will always be someone around your life, mayby not just someone but maybe armies of people constantly always trying to kick you down in life. Making you feel like a little nobody, worthless and making you shrink and hide like a little baby in a corner crying away in the dark. feeling so beaten down each time they attack. there will always be someone like that. No matter how far you go on life, what you do, how you live, or basically being who you are, you can't be love by everyone though at times you wish that is a utopian world! wtf. I don't know what I'm even going to write here right now, but all I know is I'm feeling tired and fed up as usual and at times, instead of always being attacked, attention ladies and gentlemen, I just declared WAR.
When I say a war has been declared, it doesn’t necessarily contain physical abuse nor any catfights and hair pulling treatments. It could represent, that is time for me to just stand up, close my ears and only open to them to those who really hears me and see’s me for who I am and not what they want me to be because guess what? You can never please them no matter how hard you try. By declaring war, you tell yourself that nobody is going to be able to make you feel unworthy and less of yourself and being able to put you down without your consent. Declaring war is not giving up on ourselves and not breaking down because hey, sooner than it seems life DOES turn around and I know God is there watching over me. Oh, you can be more mean and realistic and it says "It's called karma baby and it goes around"
But at times, I stand alone in war. I have comrades and generals and others around me, but certain war you have to fight on your own but with the strength and knowing that you have the support and love from the people around you. I tried you know? Many times. Many, many times declaring war. But somehow, at times I just want to fall to my knees and show a white flag and just cry. But I can’t, because whenever I do so, someone takes my flag, throws it to the ground and stamps on it. The flag’s gone. At times, is my fault for hurting the comrades and generals and worst, my leaders?
At times I am to be blamed because I love them too much and at the same time I hurt them in the process, there was an incident just few days ago all that could be seen was screams and shouts and so much tears that I could no longer bare to be the cause of it, or maybe I’m afraid that I COULD be the cause of it and I just wanted to simply feel a sharpness go through my wrist and my veins. But someone took that object away and kicked my ass down and I had to declare once again the white flag to be appeared. God called me and saved me that night through a close friend of mine. Who knows where I would have ended up that night when my vision was blurred with nothing but tears and all I could hear was the screeching noise of the brakes and tires. But this is a whole different story. Nothing related to what I am about the write below.
Why can’t you people let it go? Let ME go for goodness sakes. At times, I get ahead of myself, thinking “just what exactly have I done to you people?” have I killed your loved ones or you in your past life? Have I done anything to hurt you in the present? Even worst, token of kindness and love and caring gets turned into an act of sin interpreted by them and only them and hey, news travels. “Extra, extra, READ ALL ABOUT IT” people buying the paper believing every single word they read and guess what? There goes wannabe’s story writer trying to compile their very own version of a certain book of a story. The story to be. That could be anyways. And sometimes, it becomes a best seller! I’m tired you know? Tired of holding myself up and going through war, just when I think the war is ending and peace may come, a new one starts brewing right in front of my face and is a sick cycle. It goes around the world. In a perfect circle that never ends it seems.
Holding tight onto the carousel. I’m on that never seems to stop circling around. Getting blamed, accused, and somehow being the wrong idea of a person, a human being to the world, especially to the people I know and around me. When does the carousel stop playing?
Can someone find me the switch and help me turn the lever to the “off” situation and then maybe, JUST maybe someone kind would help me call a white van that has a plus symbol and moon crescent on it when finally all I can see in front of me is darkness and all they can see is redness..
To all my Muslim friends (you know who you are, I can't possible mention all your names here because I have A LOT of muslim friends)...SELAMAT HARI RAYA AND MAAF ZAHIR BATIN!!!
Hope you have a GRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT day!!!!!!!!
Forget the exams, forget all your worries!!! Eat all you can!!!! Have fun while you can!!! Enjoy the feeling of Hari Raya!!!!!
Have you seen the sun today??? My cousin woke me up at 12.30pm today (yeah, i was THAT babi!) with a call from her work place asking me to look at the sun, i thought, what the fuck la wanna look at the sun, some more me mamai-mamai lagi, still can't open my eyes completely... But her voice seem so excited and urgent so I took the trouble to get downstairs (haven't brush teeth yet!), out to the backyard and look up to the sky...and guess what I saw!
A double rainbow surrounding the sun!!!
Now that is not what you normally see on usual days... I believe some take it as an unusual phenomenon and some take it as a sign from the Big Guy above; maybe a good sign or maybe it is a bad sign...It freaked me out a little, but hey, it's something that I don't normally see so I think I should be lucky...
So take some time of from your usual busy day and take a look at the sky, you never know what you might see...
Cerita ini bukanlah rekaan semata-mata dan adalah berkaitan dengan yang hidup dan bukanlah yang telah mati.
I’m sure you’ve experience the sense of belonging to a clique back in your school days, doesn’t matter if it is during the secondary school or university; you’re bound to belong to cliques… Back in primary school I belonged to a clique that is consist of snobbish girls… I don’t know it at that time, till an ex-classmate of mine whom I never talk to during classes told me when we accidentally bump into each other recently. She told me my friends and I were called ‘The Bitches’ or ‘The-Budak-Manja’ back in primary school days…Thinking back, I guess I’m gonna have to agree with her, because my friends and I never failed to laugh at other people’s ‘unfortunateness’…if that is a word… We make fun of other people, we laugh at them, and we spread bad gossip at them… Fortunately, I changed when I went to secondary school. During the secondary school, I belonged to a ‘two-girls-clique’ which consist of me and my best friend…I’m not sure how other people see us but they definitely think we look alike…It doesn’t bother me though, we have a lot in common! And so when I enter university, I’ve decided I to not want to be in any clique, but boy was I wrong…
My current class consist of a few cliques…There are the girls who wear tudungs and are crazy over Korean and Japanese dramas; the girls who love to go against the rules; the guys who are addicted to Maple; the guys who are addicted to DOTA; the Chinese students who follows every single rules they are in the UMS Prospectus whom I prefer to call them as ‘Skematogenesis’ and finally the free-spirited girls…
Well…I OBVIOUSLY belong to the (ehem…) free-spirited girls, and we call ourselves the ‘GaieTech Gang’. We are consisting of five girls with five different races; the Iban girl, the Bidayuh girl, the Melanau Girl, the Malay girl and finally me, the half-chinese girl. A few people have asked me why I am not hanging out with the ‘Skematogenesis’… Well the answer is simple…I REFUSE to be labeled as a ‘cliché’ person; the one who only hangs out with the same race…Not that I’m prejudice or anything, but I prefer ‘diversitiness’… The GaieTech Gang has no common interest actually; we are of different races with very different backgrounds and with different beliefs but why do we get along so well??? It’s because we get along with other people so easily. Doesn’t matter if other people who have different mindset, we still get along with them. True, we have some people who are jealous of us but heck, we don’t give a damn! It’s not like we are trespassing their lives!
Unfortunately, because of my (ehem…) free-spirited personality, some are bound to have the wrong impression of me. Just because I’m very (ehem…) open-minded, some people are dumb enough to think that they know everything about me already. Some think I’m a girl who is willing to do anything and not even care my self-respect. Just recently a guy in my class asked me if I could act in his short movie as a girl who has sex with his boyfriend. Now, I am very open about sex, I don’t feel ashamed discussing about this so-called taboo topic, but I TRULY BELIEVE that sex is VERY VERY VERY sacred and only should be shared with a loved one. I don’t understand how this certain guy has the right mind to even ask me if I could act having sex in his short movie!!! Diuniamachauhaipukimak!!!!! Some more, when I said ‘NO’, he even has the guts to beg me…”Please cille…you’re the only one who can act this scene...” This is one example of an asshole with no balls! If you’re reading this asshole, then I have a few words for you; I HEREBY DECLARE YOU AS A VERY NARROW-MINDED DONKEY!!! Surprisingly, he doesn’t even think his action is any wrong….dumbass…
Phewwww….that feels better…Have a nice day people!